
November 7th- The Day of Much Happinness

Today I received some AMAZING news. I met with my advisor to fill out an application to go to school in the Winter of 2012. As we wrote down all of my classes on a graduation plan we both realized that I was going to be done with school in JULY! I seriously cannot tell you how big my smile was, for the following reasons:
1. I thought I was going to be done with school in December
2. This is my last cold season in Rexburg
3. I will be graduating at the end of July, aka the most beautiful time of the year in Rexburg!
4. It is less than ONE year away

November 7th was not only great because of that. I usually forget important dates, but I remembered that November 7th of 2008 was the day that Jack asked me to marry him. It has been 3 years. CRAZY! I will save this story for another time. It is GOOD!



Roberta Pavanelo said...

Ual, que maravilha!! 1 ano , isso é muito bom! eu não vejo a hora de meu ingles ficar bom a ponto de eu te responder in english, hehe

Shaylen said...

Congratulations! :) Oh and those pictures are so cute. I love your kitten! :)

Unknown said...

Congrats! It's seriously so exciting to feel like there actually is a light at the end of the tunnel!

Anonymous said...

Jenny ta na hora de atualizar seu blog, nao acha?! :)


Ashley Bagley Nielson said...

hey--you should blog again. i miss you.

Unknown said...

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