
Thanksgiving Bliss

This is where we spent our Thankgiving. The Golf coast (We started from Panama City Beach and drove west on the coast towards Destin the favorite). It was such a beautiful day and the weather was impeccable. I really like this picture that Jack took even though I ruined it while I washed off the sand from my feet.
Panama City Beach, FL

There are so many things I am thankful for and that day I was especially thankful for Jack's internship, the ONE day off that Jack got for the holiday, the weather and for seafood! (we decided to go out to eat since all we have is a small pot and a small frying pan which I am so thankful for... I don't think you can cook a Thanksgiving dinner with just those. I can barely manage regular dinner with a series of relays between the two).

Oh, how I am going to miss this place. 

Pssssiu Você viu que no meu sidebar ali do lado a esquerda agora tem uma opcão pra traduzir o meu blog pra português? A tradução não é 100% correta mas eh 95% :) -Obrigada Dri por ter me ajudado.



Unknown said...

de nada:)

Unknown said...

ah e aproveita bem esse lugar maravilhoso ai:) lindas fotos!

Pri Albuquerque said...

Lindas fotos e belo lugar.

Mama Baer | said...

como que vc colocou o translatio bar?!!?!? Eu to a um tempao tentando figure it out nao consigo... vc vai ter que me ensinar qndo chegar!

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