
My husband is a Rockstar

Texas Jack and the Tennessee Outlaws turned into O No Yoko and now I think they have settled for Old Money.... that's their new band name.

Old Money played a show at Sammy's when Jack went up to Rexburg for a weekend. It was a lot of fun! It was seriously one of the best nights I've had in a long time. I got to see some of my favorite people in the world before I came to Florida for an undetermined amount of time.
They played with the Boise band Spondee and they also played with Nikki Forova from California.

Old Money (via Drew Weaver)
Jack and Marcus
My lovely friends form Interior Design
Rockstar and I
And here is a video of them playing one of my favorite songs if theirs.

For more videos you can go here.



Unknown said...

Oi Jenny!
POis eh, eu ate ja tinha passado pelo seu blog, eu vi o link no bog da Anna e fiquei curiosa :)
Nem sabia q seu esposo tinha todo esse talento hein! Parabens!

entao, pra traduzir o blog... vai pra http://translate.google.com/translate_tools
e dai me fala se funciona :)


Mrs. Celeste said...

Jenny!! Hey cute girl! I can't believe I found you on blogspot! I saw the name on someones blog and I was thinkin....no way!! but look who it is! I hope you and Jack are having the time of your lives! I almost came up for their last show but couldnt because of a friends bridal shower-sad day! Love you girly!

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