
So much can happen in 30 minutes

We received some big news last week a day before we were supposed to leave for Montana for Jack's internship. Jack got transferred to Florida!  We were so bummed at first because we were looking forward to being within driving distance from each other. But now I can see all of the positives of living in Florida. I have lived there before and I absolutely loved it there. And best of all we are going to be so close to BEAUTIFUL BEACHES (Like the one on the picture below). I am only going to be there for 3 weeks but depending on how long Jack's internship is I might move there in December since I am off track in the winter. I am finally going to get my TAN on! YAY!

I will be back later to update you all on our trip to San Diego! :) It was beautiful! And also I am now 21 and we moved into a new apartment in Rexburg!  I don't want this break to end, it has been so nice.

Hope everyone is doing great, I miss posting on my blog. :)


Cami Goedert said...

Oi Jenny, também senti falta dos seus posts!!
Ri demais com a mudança de ambiente que vcs vão fazer, aquela foto tá muito engraçada!!!

Boa sorte com tudo isso!!

E não esquece de postar coisas da sua viagem de férias.



Audrey Holjeson said...

Que mudanca de planos ruim, hein! Hehe e como estah sendo seu curso de interior design? Tah gostando?

Ashley Lund said...

crazy you guys are going to florida!! Whereabouts in florida? you guys will have so much fun! i'm so jealous you'll be at the beaches!!!

Anonymous said...

Amei a foto que vc colocou... a diferenca de lugares!!! ahahhaha! Tem nem comparacao neh :/
Que otimo que vc ta indo p/ Florida e agora esta em San Diego (tdos os lugares que queria estar)!!!
Mas ta legal por aqui... pelo menos nao ta frio... ainda!

Aproveita ai!!! Beijaoo!

Patty said...

OBA!!!!!! QUe lugar da Florida??? Ai que bom!! Vai visitar eu???OBAAAA!!!!!!!!Me avisa Jenny!

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