
I feel GREAT!

Being in Rexburg for the summer is lovely, the best time of the year to be here, really. BUT academically not so much. Since I am on track from April until the end of July, I get to go to class and work (inside) from 8 am until 5 pm. It makes me really sad to know that I did not get to experience much of the summer here in Rexburg. I wish I would have gone to lakes, float trips, and all the outdoorsy stuff that there is available out there. And it makes me even more sad to know that when I am back for the Fall semester (September) I will be required to be wearing hoodies already.
But the reason I feel great is because I am done with school for 7
weeks!!!!! :D It feels so good to be free. I can focus on things that I actually enjoy doing which do not include writing research papers, taking tests, working at the best time of the day to go out and play and waking up early to go to classes. It was a stressful semester although it was probably the "easiest" one since I have been here. All in all, I learned A LOT and I am glad it's over! :)


Mama Baer | said...

aeee viva o verão!!!
Quando que vocês estão indo pra Ohio?! Ai que inveja que eu to de vocês... eu amo Ohio... um dia ainda quero voltar lá pra visitar tudo e todos!

Traz um imã de lá pra mim tá? E me avisa quando que vocês estão indo pra gente get together first!


Julie said...

que cool que vc achou o meu blog!!!O seu esta muito legal!! Ja add vc la na lista dos meus!!!
Como vc esta?? How's married life??

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