
Nails Nails {and Jane Eyre}

Wow. It has been a whole week and I haven't posted. And I was a little sad for not posting a much love monday post. I promise you one next week.

So last year I asked  my friend Brynne what books she liked and she said that one of her favorites was definitely Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre. I trust her so I decided to read it. It was a little hard for me considering that English is my second language and I am a slow reader. But it was worth it. What a beautifully written book! I always had a highlighter with me because there were so many good quotes in it. READ IT!

Well I finished the book today and it so happened to be that my nails this week were the same color as my book. 

Thank you Ashley L for the Nail Polish!
I am not a huge fan of iridescent nail polish on my nails (I think the ridges make it look weird), so I put a layer of matte finish on top of the purple color. I love the way it looks. I have three really thin coats of Tempest on the pictures above and one of Matte about you.

Now back to Jane Eyre! Did you know that the new movie came out this last Friday? I am so excited for it! (And it got 83% on Rotten Tomatoes!)
Trailer time!



Raquel Pimentel said...

Adorei o azul do esmalte, ultimamente tenho buscado usar tons mais descontaidos, como os que usava quando tinha 17 anos. Acho que o esmalte reflete muito o nosso humor. Hoje passei um turquesa. Gostei bastante!

Shaylen said...

That looks so good! :D :D :D

j said...

Amei a cor!!
Hey achei um turquoise q lembrei de vc. So eu olhando o nome. Depois te passo. E eu quero ler esse livro ai antes de ver o filme.
Qndo vc falou q vc eh um "slow reader " ohhhh parece q vc tava falando de mim kkkk
Tenho q ler o livro entao.

milaluz said...

Jenny!muito chique vc!combinando a cor do esmalte com a capa do livro, etc... amei o azul! e tambem adorei a dica sobre o livro ... estou tentando ler mais livros pra melhorar meu vocabulario em ingles ... talvez essa seja uma boa opcao! bjos!

Nicole said...

k love your header and the olive you piloW!

Brynne said...

I'm so glad you loved jane Eyre! I have found so many great passages in that book.

p.s. your nails look fabulous!

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