
Potter & Panda

Jack and I met in the Fall of 2007. And Halloween marks when we started liking each other as more than friends. :) If I am not wrong, our official first date was at a haunted Mill. So this year it has been 3 years since we have liked each other

Our first halloween together. Jack and Danny were Emo kids and
I was Super Sleepy (each girl in my apartment was a Super hero
that described themselves.) Developing a crush over smores. :)

Our first date (group date) at the Haunted Mill.  (2007)
This year Jack and I improvised. It seriously took Jack 2 minutes to figure out what he was going to be for Halloween and I had brought my last year costume (the panda beanie) in case we decided to dress up and hadn't had time to look. Well we had fun! Mr. Potter and I went to a Festival here in town, with hundreds of people and I KID YOU NOT Jack and I were the ONLY kids above 12 dressed up. Not even the high schoolers or the college kids from the community college. LAME! But it made the occasion even more fun.

Mr. Harry Potter
Miss Panda

When the dementors showed up, Jack found out about his wizard side and took care of the problem! And I had a lot of fun capturing the magic. Hahahaha

Expecto Patronum!!!

I hope everyone had a fun fun Halloween! :)


Mama Baer | said...

Awww que legal que eles tem um halloween festival ai na cidade... aqui nem teve trick or treating... todo mundo fez trunk or treating no sabado - super lame!
Mas a gente se divertiu anyway...
qndo que vcs vao no Harry Potter world?! Eu vi umas fotos de uma guria que foi e fiquei morrendo de vontade de ir... Jenny - 'e MUITO massa!!!! vcs tem que ir - do it for meeeee!!!
Ah... e eu tenho que te ligar, I have news (I'm not pregnant)!!!!

Leslie said...

Way cute costumes! I wish I would have remembered to buy Mike some tic tacs to complete him constume. Ha! Looks like you are having a good time in Rexburg.

Patty said...

Jenny, aonde voce esta morando???Tenho a impressao que eh aqui pertinho de mim......E NEM ME FALA NADA!!!! ;) Lindo seu blog e suas fotos!!!Linda voce como sempre. Outro dia achei um bilhetinho seu la de curitiba...Uma gracinha! Saudades! Beijos!

Brynne said...
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Brynne said...

I love your Panda costume! I'm glad it got a second appearance!

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