
1 year, 1month and 1 week.

It has been 1 year, 1 month and 1 week since we have been married. I meant to post something on our one year anniversary but we had a lot going on. Well it has been the greatest one year of my life. I am not much of a PDWA (Public Display of Written Affection) person, but I just have to say... I have the BEST husband in the world. He is always so patient and sweet. And I love every minute we spend together. I love it how we can make up from a fight so quickly. He is definitely the best roommate I have ever had! Ha ha.

April 11th of 2009 was the best day of my life. To know that we are sealed together for all eternity is the best feeling. We still have all these years ahead of us and I just can't wait for all of the adventures we are going to go through together.

I am truly enjoying this "growing old together" thing


PS: Don't forget about Jack's Band's show this weekend! :)


Mama Baer | said...

Awww tem que assistir o video de vcs pra comemorar hein! A gente sempre assiste o nosso video do casamento e 'e super gostoso...
parabens and here's to many more anniversaries!


Patty said...

QUe lindo Jenny! Que bom que voce esta feliz! Da pra ver sua felicidade em suas fotos.
Espero poder ver voce logo. Sempre fico feliz de ver seus comentarios no meu blog tambem.

Um beijo grande!!

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